Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kicked To The Curb!

Today was our last appointment and ultrasound with The Center of Reproductive Medicine!  As they like to say..."You are good to go, we like to kick you to the curb now because that means we did our job and got you knocked-up"  So as sad as it is to be leaving one of the best facilities I have EVER been to in regards to patient care, I am happy to moving on to the Naval Hospital in Pensacola.

When we had the ultrasound today the first thing we looked for was that fluttering heart and it was working hard!  156 beats per minute! Last week it was 120 bpm. We also got to see two arms and two legs...very little but they were definitely there!
We have been lucky to have experienced all that we have this early in the pregnancy...two ultrasounds in two weeks!  To top it off I will be having another ultrasound next Friday, October 14th with my new doctor at the Naval Hospital.

The mystery spot that was present at the first ultrasound is either a vanishing twin or a bleed of some sort.  Regardless the doctor didn't see it as a problem at this time and released me from his care.

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