Thursday, May 10, 2012

Induction Scheduled!

For those of you who voted that Sarah would be born before her due are right!  We have been scheduled to be induced Monday May 14th @ 8pm at the Naval Hospital Jacksonville.  I am still in a little bit of shock that we are only days away from our dreams coming true with this miracle baby!  Praise God for His blessings!

This last week Tim and I have been making preparations for her arrival...last minute shopping trips, laundry, writing in Sarah's baby book, refinishing Sarah's dresser and organizing the closet full of clothes!    I have a feeling that our "To Do" list is revolving and will never really have a stopping point.

As soon as things calm down at the hospital we will be sure to update everyone with pictures and details via phone calls, texts and/or Facebook!

If you're lucky there might be one more picture posted this weekend of me and my big belly before it deflates!

Please pray SPECIFICALLY for an easy delivery and healthy baby!  My plan is to do it all epidural!

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