Friday, November 4, 2011

12 Weeks

First Trimester is almost over!  Time has gone by so least it has for me.  It feels like it was just yesterday I was driving in downtown Pensacola and received the call from my doctor that out treatment was successful and we were pregnant!!  I have truly been blessed and have had no morning sickness beyond the occasional queasiness that subsides with a cracker or two.  I like to say that my happiness over powers the stereotypical morning sickness.

Clothes are starting to fit differently but there is not a huge difference in my overall appearance.  My uterus has grown from the size of an apple to the size of a grapefruit that now hold my plum sized baby!

Our baby is transitioning out of the developing stage and into the growing stage.

your baby at 12 weeks

Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
Her brain is developing fast!

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