Friday, December 16, 2011

18 Weeks!!

Time has gone by so fast!  I can't believe that we are almost halfway through this pregnancy.  The count down for the gender reveal is getting close, only nine more days!  We thought since Christmas is right around the corner we would reveal the gender to all our friends and family at the same time Christmas Day!  What a great gift!  By email and/or blog you will be able to find out if Baby Palmer is a boy or girl!

Currently Baby Palmer is the size of a sweet potato, approximately 5.6 inches long from head to rump and 6.7 ounces.  Baby is growing rapidly, twisting, rolling, punching and kicking too!  I have seen on previous ultrasounds that Baby Palmer is a mover but I have not yet felt any of his/her movements.  I would imagine that it wont be too much longer before I can feel everything going on inside of me.  

Tim has officially completed his last flight here at this training command!  We are set for the January 13th Winging Ceremony and will be moving shortly there after.  Where????  We still don't know!  Hopefully we will find out the first week in January.

Last night was the HT-8 (Tim's Squadron) Christmas Party.  It was a nice night to dress up, get out of the house and enjoy the evening with friends.  They were giving away some awesome prizes including a 55 inch and 60 inch flat screen TV, Kindle Fires, iPods, and $$$.  We walked away with two squadron glasses that they provided for everyone attending.  

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