Friday, March 30, 2012

33 Weeks!!!

Today marks 33 weeks!  Only seven more weeks to full term...thats assuming we make it that far.  Doctor appointment this week went good.  My belly measured 32cm and is right on track.  We also got to hear the heart beat which is always exciting and it sounded good.

Lately she has been quite the mover.  She especially enjoys stretching out, encroaching the space designed for my lungs.  Finding the need to rest more throughout the day and putting my feet up to avoid them from swelling too much.  I have thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant but I am more looking forward to the days that she will be here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sarah's Nursery

We've been working on Sarah's room for a few weeks doing a little here and there as time permits.  Here are some pictures that we took of the painting project.


We had to prime the walls to cover the dark red.

Tim had to do the high parts and I did the lower section and the red dash lines.  Margie (Tim's Mom) helped paint the cream stripe in the middle while she was here visiting.  Merrillee (Tim's Sister) climbed up the ladder and helped paint the high parts during her visit too!

Still working on decorating the nursery but tonight we cleaned out all the painting materials and put some of the furniture in the room.  We found a dresser to refinish and will be putting that in the room soon!  Pay no attention to the curtains hanging up...still trying to decide what to do with the window.

Thanks Tim (Sr.), Margie and Merrillee for my super comfy chair that is perfect for my short legs and easy to get in and out of...hands free!  My hands will be holding precious cargo soon!

Now I will be working on the fun part of decorating Sarah's room!  I will be sure to share more pictures of the room as it all comes together!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

32 Weeks!!

Before we left to visit Tim's Grandma down in south Florida we took a picture to show you how much Sarah has grown.  Friday March 23rd marked 32 weeks!  Sarah should be here within the next eight weeks!

Came across this video and laughed all the way through it.  I thought you might find it as funny as I did.  I can relate to so much of it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fly Boy Tim!

While Tim's parents and sister were here visiting they were able to see Tim fly his helicopter around the base and do some maneuvers.  Watching Tim I have to admit I had an overwhelming sensation of pride.  I am so very proud of my husband and all his accomplishments he has achieved in his career and life.  This is truly a dream come true for him.  He absolutely loves flying! 
(click on the picture to see it larger) 
Tim is the one in the white helmet at the door of the cockpit.  He had just walked out to the aircraft.

Tim is still at the cockpit door. 
Cockpit door has opened.

Tim is switching with the other pilot. 

The other pilot is shutting the door and Tim is in the helicopter.

Taxiing out to the runway.

Taking off!

And a little higher now...still taking off.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Baby Registry

I have recently been asked by a lot of people if we have registered for baby things anywhere.  We have registered at Babies R Us and at Target.  At both locations the registries can be looked up by using my name, Alyssa Palmer.  There may be a few options with the same name so it may have other criteria to narrow it down by, either Sarah's due date ( May 18th, 2012) or by location (Jacksonville, FL).

We are going to be using cloth diapers!  The brand and style that we have chosen to use are called Rumparooz.  They are a "one-size fits all" ranging from birth to potty training ages and are adjustable by more pins and plastic pants!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

10 Week Count Down!

If Sarah decides to stay nice and cozy inside my belly until her due date we are officially in the 10 week count down.  A few of you have already voted that you think she will arrive early so that means less than 10 weeks! Yesterday, Friday, I was 30 weeks!
Took a quick picture in the front yard.
This pregnancy has gone by so fast, almost too fast, but I am so ready for Sarah to be in my arms instead of her strategic position over my bladder!

My last appointment went really good.  Everything seems to be doing just fine.  There was a small concern about my blood sugars but nothing to worry about quite yet.  My next appointment is March 29th.

In order to wear shoes and put them on myself they have to be slip-ons.  Bending over to put socks on is nearly impossible and Tim had done a great job helping me in this area.  My belly is now big enough that not only can I not see my toes I can only see my belly button from looking in the mirror.  I asked Tim to look at it yesterday and he said it now looks like a dimple on a golf ball!  I love the way his brain works and the things he says...most of the time he is hilarious.  In previous conversations he has mentioned the growth rate of our daughter and related it to how the circumference of my belly will increase and referenced Pi "pi" approx. 3.142 ...oh my, that was an interesting moment.  Luckily since I am a math guru I understood what he was saying. 

This week we picked up Sarah's crib and set it up in the nursery.  Tim did a great job assembling it and making sure all the pieces were secure for his little girl's safety.
Tim didn't really like my idea of reading the directions.

Ringo thought he was a BIG help!
He too thought directions were for girls.


We also started painting her room.  First we had to prime the walls where there was red paint.  The previous paint job was really nice but the colors just didn't work with the rest of the decor.
Fixing holes in the wall from the model home decorations. 
First coat of primer.  Will need a second coat before painting.
The paint scheme that we are going to do for the nursery came from the following picture.  

The walls will be tan with a large cream stripe at eye level.  Inside the stripe there will be little lines or dashes that match the coral color in the fabric we chose for the bedding.  
Bedding fabric...Thanks Margie for all your help!
When we finish working in the nursery and put everything back in its place I will be sure the update the blog with a new picture, so keep an eye out for updates!