Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sarah's Nursery

We've been working on Sarah's room for a few weeks doing a little here and there as time permits.  Here are some pictures that we took of the painting project.


We had to prime the walls to cover the dark red.

Tim had to do the high parts and I did the lower section and the red dash lines.  Margie (Tim's Mom) helped paint the cream stripe in the middle while she was here visiting.  Merrillee (Tim's Sister) climbed up the ladder and helped paint the high parts during her visit too!

Still working on decorating the nursery but tonight we cleaned out all the painting materials and put some of the furniture in the room.  We found a dresser to refinish and will be putting that in the room soon!  Pay no attention to the curtains hanging up...still trying to decide what to do with the window.

Thanks Tim (Sr.), Margie and Merrillee for my super comfy chair that is perfect for my short legs and easy to get in and out of...hands free!  My hands will be holding precious cargo soon!

Now I will be working on the fun part of decorating Sarah's room!  I will be sure to share more pictures of the room as it all comes together!

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