Wednesday, October 19, 2011

9th Week Almost Complete!

Wow, time has gone by so fast!  We are nearing the end of my 9th week!  At our last ultrasound it was so neat to be able to see the details of our baby's sweet it brought a tear to my eye.  Baby Palmer is very active and kicks its feet and waves its arms all around.  Not that I can feel any of this but Baby Palmer likes to show off for Mommy at the ultrasounds.  This time Baby's heart rate was 175 bpm and measured right on schedule for our due date, May 18th 2012. 

There is definitely a bond developing with this little one that I have "never met" and it is so special.  Everyday Tim and I thank God for this blessing He has given to us and pray that we will be Godly parents that do His will in raising our child to love and honor his or her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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