Friday, October 28, 2011

Where Has The Time Gone?

Ten weeks has come and gone!  We are now 11 weeks along and the baby is growing, growing, growing! Our sweet baby is around the size of a lime now!  Had an ultrasound this week and the heart is still very fast, 175 bpm.  I will upload the ultrasound picture soon so y'all can see what we "think" is the profile of our baby's face!
I have been feeling great!  My dad is here visiting for my birthday and his birthday!  What a special time it has been to be together and share a birthday cake and lots of fun together just like old times.

I have this sense that this baby is going to be a least this week I do.  But it seems to be that majority of all our friends and family think it will be a boy.  (And when have I ever been correct in making predictions...Tim laughs at me!)  Either way it doesn't matter to me, I just want a healthy baby in my arms!

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