Tim and I are thrilled to be starting our family! This week (9/15-9/21) I am five weeks along in my pregnancy and our baby is the size of an appleseed. Exhaustion has taken over and although I say I have no "morning sickness" if I don't snack constantly I start feeling a little...odd after a couple hours with no food. On an average day I end up napping on the couch once or twice.
Tim told me he thought he would make the crib for our little one but then we remembered that there is a higher chance that we could be pregnant with more than one baby! Conceiving multiples is a risk of the treatment but we will not find out until we have our first ultrasound. So until we find out we are holding off on designing any cribs, making one..OK, making two, three...oh my! :-)
Last Monday I had my HCG levels taken and from the following Friday my levels went from 90.1 to 325. On average every 2-3 days those numbers should double, the nurse said I was an over achiever because my numbers were so good. This Friday September 16th I will have my levels taken again and hopefully they continue to rise as they should.
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