Thursday, September 15, 2011


Yes that's right, we are going to have a baby!  After trying for six years God has blessed us with the precious gift of life.  Friday September 9th, 2011 I had a scheduled appointment to have blood taken for a pregnancy test.  In the previous week I could sense that I was not as energetic as I have been in the past.  My friend Marie even asked me if she was boring me because I just was not acting like myself and was tired all the time.  Back to September 9th, Marie and I were driving in downtown Pensacola and I received a phone call from my doctor.  They were calling with the results from the lab and they were positive!  I pulled over and after confirming with the nurse on the phone that she was talking to the right patient and I could regain my composure Marie and I sat in the car in utter shock.  Together we prayed, thanking and praising God for this great news!

When I found out I was already four weeks pregnant and our baby was the size of a sesame seed!

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