Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 22, 2011- Six Weeks

Well we have arrived at week six of my pregnancy and doing great!  Our baby is the size of a sweet pea, approximately a quarter of an inch big.  This week our little sweet pea will continue to grow at a rapid rate, doubling in size.  The nose, mouth and ears are beginning to take shape and the spots where its eyes and nose will be are starting to form.  His and/or her ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of it's head and little arms and legs are starting to limb out as little buds.

Next week will be very exciting as we will go to our first OB appointment to hear our baby's heart beat and to also get a "head count" on how many babies God has blessed us with.  This week our baby's heart is beating 100 to 160 times a minute, almost twice as much as mine.  So much is developing all at once, it is amazing to think of this beautiful miracle inside of me.  Thank you God for your precious gift!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I am sooooo excited, I love you three (or four or five, or....) so much and you are always in my prayers! Love the blog and am very excited the ship allows me to read it underway!
    Love you all,
    Auntie Merrillee
